This Week in Tech: OpenAI Announcement, TikTok Sues Uncle Sam, & Robots Choose Your Partner 👾


It’s time for Bits & Bytes…

… where we bring you news, innovations, and thought-provoking insights from AI, IT, and beyond. In this week’s newsletter we’re looking at:

  • OpenAI releases GPT-4o
  • TikTok is saying “see you in court” to the US government
  • Your next date will be chosen by a robot




💐 OpenAI Spring Fling

Have you heard about OpenAI’s Spring Update? They announced GPT-4o, a new language model that’s basically a jack-of-all-trades AI. Text, audio, images – it can handle it all. It (supposedly) seamlessly translates between those media. Plus, GPT-4o works in real-time, making it more of a dynamic interaction.

OpenAI even threw a bone to the free users, giving them access to more powerful features in ChatGPT. This is a classic marketing view, giving free features out so you fall in love with it and buy more. However, considering how expensive this update must’ve been, it’s exciting that everyone will get to play a bit with it.

Also, remember the “hands-on” demo of Google’s AI project, Gemini, that turned out to be heavily edited footage? OpenAI seems to have learned a valuable lesson from that debacle. Their launch for GPT-4o avoids the pitfall of overly polished, staged demos. Instead, they’ve embraced a more human approach to showcase the model’s real-time capabilities and limitations. It’s a refreshing change that acknowledges the messy, iterative nature of AI development, and avoids setting unrealistic expectations with pre-rendered perfection.

Needless to say, I’m pumped to try it out!


  • OpenAI announced their Spring Update
  • GPT-4o, a language model that handles text, audio, and images
  • OpenAI is allowing free users to have more advanced ChatGPT features



📱 TikTok Isn’t Going Quietly

TikTok, the app that brought us everything from cringy dances to questionable life hacks, just sued the US government. Seems they’re not too thrilled about the “being forced to sell your US business” thing. This lawsuit throws a wrench into the whole “decoupling” of US and Chinese tech and injects a healthy dose of “can we just watch cat videos in peace?” into the situation.


🤖 Can’t Tell a Keeper from a Creep? Bumble’s AI Wingmen Are Here

Love life a dumpster fire? Bumble’s got you covered (sort of)! They’re testing AI concierges to, well, do your online dating for you. Basically, a robot wingman will swipe left and right for you, filtering out the creeps and setting you up with…potential matches. Are we ready for a future where your love life is controlled by algorithms? Just imagine explaining how you met your significant other to your grandma – “Grandma, a robot found them for me!”


🧠 One Small Glitch for Man, One Giant Leap Back for Brain Tech

Elon Musk’s brain-chip company, Neuralink, just hit a snag. Their first-ever human implant had a bit of a malfunction, with some of the tiny threads connecting to the brain retracting. Don’t worry, it sounds like the patient is okay, but this little hiccup is a reminder that messing with the brain is serious business – and maybe we’re not quite ready for it.



This week’s spotlight shines on a heartwarming advancement in robotics! Researchers at Cornell University have developed a robotic feeding system specifically designed to assist people with severe mobility limitations.

Imagine the frustration of being unable to raise your fork to your mouth. This new system, utilizing computer vision, machine learning, and multimodal sensing, can safely feed individuals who struggle with tasks like leaning forward or controlling their movements.

This technology has the potential to transform the lives of people with conditions like spinal cord injuries, cerebral palsy, and multiple sclerosis. Increased independence, improved nutrition, and a greater sense of dignity are just some of the benefits this robotic helper can offer.

The Cornell project exemplifies the positive impact of AI and robotics on our society. It’s a powerful reminder that technological advancements can empower those who need it most, fostering a future where human and machine collaboration improves our well-being.


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