Schoolyard Shenanigans Go High Tech (This Week in Tech) ๐Ÿ‘พ


It’s time for Bits & Bytes…

… where we bring you news, innovations, and thought-provoking insights from AI, IT, and beyond. In this week’s newsletter we’re looking at:

  • Net neutrality back in action
  • AI used to fabricate racist voice recordings
  • US-China tech spat threatens TikTok’s future




๐ŸŒ Net Neutrality Back From the Dead

After a few weeks of talking about this on Bits & Bytes, the FCC has RE-APPROVED net neutrality protections for the internet! This means all internet traffic will be treated equally, preventing companies from throttling speeds or prioritizing certain content for a fee.

So, what does this mean for you? Basically, end-users have more control over their internet experience. ISPs can’t slow down specific websites or charge extra for streaming services like Netflix or Hulu. This is a win for everyone who isn’t a giant telecom company executive.

Is this the end of the net neutrality saga? Probably not. There will likely be some grumbling and legal challenges (but when is there not?) from those who prefer a more “pay-to-play” internet.


  • Net neutrality is BACK, baby!
  • Remember the 2017 net neutrality scare? When we all thought repealing net neutrality would lead to million dollar internet?
  • The fight might not be over, but this is a major victory for a free and accessible web.



๐Ÿ’ธ IBM Spends Billions on Hashi, Investors Yawn

IBM spent $6.4 billion to acquire software company Hashi in a move that’s left investors feeling less than enthused. IBM’s hoping this acquisition will expand their software business, particularly Red Hat, but investors aren’t into it because, let’s face it, IBM’s software growth has been slow. Investors are hungry for something with a little more…oomph. Generative AI seems to be a good investment for IBM, but that comes with a hefty price tag.


๐Ÿ€ Fake It ‘Til You Make It Fail

A Baltimore high school athletic director allegedly decided to use AI voice cloning to fabricate racist and anti-Semitic recordings, all while making it sound like the principal was the one spewing hate speech. Nothing can go wrong here, right? These fake recordings hit social media, landing the principal in temporary suspension. Investigators found that the incriminating audio files were linked to the coach’s email. So…two lessons. Donโ€™t be a bully and donโ€™t leave a paper trail.


๐Ÿ’ƒ๏ธ TikTok Take Down?

ByteDance, the Chinese company that owns TikTok, would rather shut down the app in the US entirely than sell it to an American buyer. Due to worries about user data and potential security risks, the US government has been pressuring ByteDance to sell TikTok’s US operations. To ByteDance, selling TikTok would likely mean giving up the app’s core algorithms. Those algorithms are crucial for ByteDance’s entire business, not just TikTok in the US.



Researchers just figured out a way to recycle circuit boards effectively, and not just any kind of recycling, the cool kind of recycling๐Ÿ˜‰ We’re talking about creating top-notch recycled circuit boards (vPCBs) that work just as well as the brand new ones.

Circuit boards are currently piling up in landfills. This new process basically gives them a second life, keeping them out of landfills. Plus, making new circuit boards takes a lot of resources and energy. Recycled ones are the eco-conscious choice, reducing the environmental footprint of all our tech wants. This innovation is a giant leap towards a future where our exploration of new tech goes together with taking care of the planet.

Interested in contributing a story to next weekโ€™s newsletter?ย Hit us up and letโ€™s collab ๐Ÿ’ฅ


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