Defending Against Ransomware in 2024
Ransomware accounts for more than 68% of cyberattacks. This statistic indicates that cyber criminals believe there’s still ample opportunity for exploitation. They’re developing deeper knowledge of specific industries and the relationships that exist within them.
They’re using this knowledge to maximize ransom opportunities: sometimes targeting multiple companies simultaneously, or threatening to report data leaks to authorities, specifically with companies who want to protect their brand reputation.
The methods of ransomware attacks are constantly evolving. Because of this, defending against ransomware is more than complicated, it’s highly complex. Keeping one step ahead of threat actors requires a strategic approach. One that’s defined by what you know and what you don’t.
We chatted with Kirk Hanratty from SynerComm to find out what they’re seeing as trends in ransomware in 2024, and what approach SynerComm uses to help their clients keep ahead of threats.

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