AI-pocalypse? Nah, Just Some Job Loss 👾


It’s time for Bits & Bytes…

… where we bring you news, innovations, and thought-provoking insights from AI, IT, and beyond. In this week’s newsletter we’re looking at:

  • AI job disruption threatens 10% of US workforce
  • Apple vs. US government lawsuit
  • AI that “forgets”



🏠 White House Acts to Balance AI’s Economic Scales

The White House’s latest analysis indicates that 10% of U.S. workers are in jobs highly susceptible to AI disruption. This hot topic has sparked buzz in the Council of Economic Advisers’ recent economic report, highlighting that the AI storm is hitting hardest among those with less education and lower incomes.

While 20% of workers are in high-AI-exposure roles, the actual impact on employment is complex and multifaceted. Jobs are also morphing, not just disappearing.

To navigate this changing landscape, the White House is committed to working with labor unions and developing policies that ensure AI benefits all workers, not just the tech bros.


  • 10% of U.S. workers face high AI disruption risk.
  • AI is reshaping 20% of jobs, with varied impacts on employment.
  • White House plans policies with unions to ensure AI benefits are evenly distributed.




🧑‍💻 Don’t be a gadget hoarder

This week’s wake-up call: fancy tools like NMS and SEIM are useless without the know-how to use them. Think they’ll magically shield you from hackers? Spoiler alert: they might actually make you more vulnerable.

🍏 Uncle Sam throws shade at Apple

The US government sued Apple, saying they’re unfairly dominating the smartphone market. Apple disagrees, claiming the lawsuit hurts consumers and innovation. This could change how iPhones work and how much developers pay Apple.

🤖 Rise of the machines?

Getting robots to act and think like humans is a big challenge in AI research. Nvidia’s unveiling Project GR00T, a moonshot project aiming to shove human-level AI into robots.


Researchers have developed a new technique called “machine unlearning” specifically for generative AI. This means AI models that create things like art, music, and text can now “forget” copyrighted or violent content they were trained on, without having to start from scratch.

Normally, if an AI accidentally learns something it shouldn’t, you’d have to retrain the entire model. This new method lets you target specific unwanted content, keeping the AI’s creative spark alive while protecting copyrights and promoting responsible AI development.


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